Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can you guarantee the advanced delivery time?
A: No. We will try our best to be there at the requested time, but we cannot guarantee that we will be. Traffic, how busy the restaurant is can play a roll in the delivery time. 15 min on either side of the requested time is normal.
Q: Can the total on a gift card be used for the delivery fee and tip?
A: Yes, any funds on a gift card are accepted as cash and can be used for delivery fee and gratuity for your driver.
Q: What is the delivery charge?
A: Delivery charge is only $3.99 to most areas.
Q: Should I tip my delivery driver?
A: Absolutely! Gratuity is not included and your self-employed drivers work hard, so please consider your driver's efforts and tip accordingly. Standard delivery gratuity is 20-30%
Q: How long will my order take to arrive?
A: Oxford To You does not guarantee a set delivery time. This is strictly forbidden by our insurance carrier. But, as a general rule, your meal should be delivered within 25- 35 minutes. Delivery times will vary depending upon traffic, weather conditions, and how busy the restaurants might be. Your checkout ticket will have the estimated delivery time displayed.
Q: Can I track the progress of my order?
A: YES! With our software program you will be notified by email when your order is placed with the restaurant, when the driver arrives at the restaurant, and when the driver leaves the restaurant with your order. This way you will know when to expect your meal to arrive.
Q: Can I order from more than one restaurant at one time?
A: You can order from as many restaurants as you would like, but there is a delivery fee for each restaurant. You may add to your current order any other restaurants items. Ordering from the drink menu does not incur an additional delivery fee.
Q: If I have food allergies can I be assured that my food is allergy free?
A: Absolutely not.
Q: Will I get a receipt or need to sign anything?
A: You do not need to sign anything unless there is no tip on your credit card. and you can always pull up each order receipt under your account tab located on our home page. Entering your cvv code is your electronic signature in most cases.
Q: Did my order go through?
A: Your order went through if you receive an email stating your detailed order confirmation. If you didn't receive an email then you have not completed the entire ordering process. Please recheck all steps and if you are still having problems placing your order, please give us a call at 513-524-2456
Q: Can I use a discount coupon from the restaurant I am ordering from?
A: Sorry, but any coupons from a specific restaurant have to be used at the restaurant and can't be used through our delivery service.
Q: How can I get a promo code?
A: Follow us on twitter at or on Facebook at on Instagram at for promo codes and updates. Be sure to check your promotional email for frequent codes as well.
Q: Is this site a secure payment site?
A: Yes, we are PCI compliant and all transaction are through our secured processing company.
Q: What if there is a problem or I need to make a change to my order?
A: Please call Oxford To You 513-524-2456. Do NOT call the restaurant. We will be happy to assist you.
Q: Can you guarantee the doneness of the meat, such as burgers or steaks?
A: Sorry we cannot. Some meat will continue to cook while in the hot bag during delivery. Doneness can be an interpretation of either the chef/cook and customer.
Q: What happens if I do a credit card chargeback?
A: If your card was used without your permission a police report will need to be filed. If the order was to your address and your phone number was the contact number, you will be charged for the chargeback as well as the $30 fee.
Q. If I ask for extra or added items will I be charged?
A: Yes, any added or extra items will be charged based on the price from the restaurant. You may see this added upcharge as a separate charge on your credit card.
Q: How do I contact Oxford To You?
A: You can call us at 513-524-2456 or email us at Please note that we do not monitor emails and if you need an immediate response, then please call.
Q: How do I enter a gift card as payment?
A: Enter your gift card numbers as if were a credit card. Enter the expiration date. Leave the CVV code section empty and submit.
Q: What if I entered a wrong address?
A: Please call us immediately 513-524-2456 so we can update the address. If you put in a wrong address and when the driver arrives tell him/her that you are somewhere else another delivery fee of $3.99 will be added to your delivery.
Q: During bad weather should I tip more?
A: Please tip your driver more for being out in bad weather. Snow, Ice and Thunderstorms make it more difficult for your driver to get to you. If you don't tip or tip less than $3 we may add an additonal amount to your tip.
Q: If I order no contact delivery and can't find my food after it is left, what should I do?
A:Please call and we will confirm that it was delivered to the correct address. If you order NO CONTACT delivery and you can't find your food where it was to be dropped off, that is not our fault We can't be responsible if somebody steals your food when you asked it just be left someplace. If you want to be sure you receive your order, then do not do a NO CONTACT delviery. If you live at a dorm or a place where it can't be left right at your house or apt door you run the risk of it being taken by someone.
Q: Are taxes included in the price of the soda?
A: Yes, taxes are included in the price for the restaurant to submit.
Q: Is a tip required on NO CONTACT deliveries?
A: Yes, we add a 20% tip or maximum of $5 on all NO CONTACT deliveries.
Please note some images may not be images from the actual restaurant. We may use generic images found on the internet.